Nearly impossible to get any response out of this team. Quick to ask for your money but when it comes to service it’s non existent. They were suppose to service the condo I live in after months of our manager complaining they finally sent a girl to clear out our garden. She spent a few minutes most of that time on her phone and sat in one spot She destroyed and cleaned out all of our mature Campanulas but left the weeds next to it. The guys that attend to the lawn mowing are sporadic to say the least and seem have the same attitude as the garden girl. Not interested.
I’ve heard this firm is under new management which makes sense the services has become so terrible as of late. The young lady that managed our condo for the last 9 years was wonderful but is no longer there and the gal that took over has been of no assistance with our needs often times just plain rude. We are either put on the back burner for receiving timely services or not responded to at all when we ask questions but to put us off again. Very disappointing that after 9 years of loyalty we are now shopping for a new provider this spring.
The staff is very knowledgeable and very professional. They show up on time and my yard looks great all summer
sales manager was rude and didn’t help at all terrible customer service and service well sending people that don’t have training ,what a mess.